Sunday, June 12, 2011

How Big is our Universe?

Let's logically look at our universe...

Cosmologist and astronomers have worked diligently in ascertaining the size of our universe...

Let's stop for a moment and establish some foundational thoughts...

Our universe...dimension which we'll call the 3rd dimension is comprised of the lower dimensions...(the second and first)...

The singularity (first dimension) theoretically is itself infinite...after that an interesting situation exists...

There is probably not a child alive that (when pondering the size of the universe) has not asked, "What is outside of our universe?"

When the words "universe" and "dimension" are used interchangeably...that question is easily answered!

The size of the universe is exactly the same as our dimension!

What then lies beyond that?

The next dimension!


If our universe (dimension) is is expanding into the 4th dimension!

It is limited by the size of the 4th dimension...just as the 2nd dimension is limited by the 3rd!

This leads to an interesting thought!

Answering the question as to an infinitely expanding or ultimately collapsing universe is totally dependent upon the 4th dimension and has no dependence on "missing mass" or any other condition found in this dimension!


It may be dependent upon the singularity itself...

This is a theory that we'll address in a later post...which is the tendency of the universe to revert to the singularity...and every other dimension being a "warp" or stretch of that single point!

Enough for today...

Keep "expanding" our thoughts!